Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Facebook Evangelical Muslim Chick

Dear brother, i happend to go to your blog and i read your paragraphs on rational thinking and science. was interesting. would like to pose a question . do you believe in "god" ? pls reply if you would like to get into some discussion . awaiting a reply.
Me 23 April at 22:30
My belief of God is a very different one, not one that any 'religion' teaches. For me, the Nature, the Earth, the Sun and everything is God, not like a Single Person. I don't think I could submit to a religion.
Well that is the exact answer I expected from you. You are a rational thinker, that is why i wanted to talk to you.Now you say that that you believe in nature . Nature is made up of what , basically if you see anything within the circle of nature. it will go to any of the following categories: 1. Humans
2. Other live 3.Objects . If you take any elemant from nature and closely analyse (it cud be anything sun, moon, tree ,human,an ant tree etc..etc you will see all that has thes distinct characteristics:
1. All has a beginning and an end.
2.has a physical structure and can be destroyed
3.is dependant on other things eg: a tree is dependant on earth for its stature, on sun for photosynthesis , rain etc..
4.everything is weak eg: has feelings, needs
5.does not have a control on its own eg: we call we have a heart and a brain , are we really making them function, can we stop our death?
6. works according to a predefined structure and order eg: a tree does its role, its defined to it. a mountain does its role, its defined to it.the sun gives us light and other energies.that is its role .its defined to it
7.is limited in power in other wards our power is limited. eg: we can go closer to the moon , but so far not to the sun
8 has a purpose
9.works within a defined position and laws : eg: sun rotates in its orbit, we study so many laws in physics , those laws are actually humans found ,already implemented in nature.
etc etc etc
let us put all these things into a BOX.right. now we see , all these things are really depending on some external source of power. eg: recently tsunami strucked japan . they were the brainiest and most powerful ppl. in fact they invented all the alaming stations , equipments for preventing themselves from tsunami, but cud they do it?
if we analyse this external source of power it cannot have the qualities i have defined above : eg: weak, dependant, shape,begining or end, out of control etc etc WHY????? if it had , it will fall into the same box or nature. this external source of power we call the god almighty / allah (swt) . that is y we say he does not have a shape, he does not have a beggining or end .ppl find it really hard to believe.but when you understand it rationally the concept is clear. wod do you think?
waiting for your reply....
Me 24 April at 01:44
All those Gods of all those religions may be beings in some higher dimensions location, 'probably above the 6th dimension'. But, that wouldn't matter me, since I don't want some explanation about the creation of earth or human, or some all mighty power. I believe, I'm the only person responsible for what happens to me. If you are trying to convince me in to something, that wouldn't work.
no one can convince anyone into anything. nobody convinced me too. but we have to have open discussions to speak the truth. but all what i said clicks to reality , i dont think anyone can reject reality.there is only one god , if there are multiple gods then again they will belong to the same box.they cant be gods cos homogeniouseness is a creature attribute . kit
can you believe thos sixth dimentions etc? can you explain?
actually our intelligence has a limit too
just like our sight hearing etc: eg we cannot see in light ,we cannot hear up to some extent frequencies
the best example is
we make decisions with our intelligence , we think its the right decision but after some time we think that is a stupid or wrong decition. so our intelligence too has some limit
and weaknesses
we cannot understand everything up to a limit
but we can believe what is rational and obvious .thats what i think and told in my religion.
Me 24 April at 03:12
Yes, I can understand up to the 5th dimension, but I can't understand beyond that because my perception is not enough for that. But there are dimensions all together. I don't believe something I can't understand, but if there are higher dimensions, and up to the th is scientifically discovered at the moment, I just acknowledge that there are higher dimensions.
WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THRE ARE MORE THAN ONE GOD? what is 5 th dimention? how did you get these information? by the way what do you think is the purpose of our life in this world? why are we born here? can explain it pls kit
Me 27 April at 11:16
Normal human brain is capable only to think up to the 3rd dimension, because our five senses cannot perceive beyond that. But using mathematical knowledge some people can understand (not originally perceive) beyond the 3rd dimension. Scientists have understood up to 11th dimension.

I just don't think there is only one God. Even if there are Gods, I still don't want to believe that the earth or life is created by anyone or anything.

The concept of a creator God is an age old delusion. There is no cure. This earth and life is not created by an external force, it all evolved from constant trial and error. The existence of earth in the universe is a very small time and space in the whole universe. If something or someone created all this, why is this whole empty universe without any life.

The purpose of life on earth is constant development and constant degradation. That is the true nature of the whole universe, and that is the driving force of life on earth, in the microcosmic scale or microbial evolution.

Natural selection chooses the best of survivors from each generation and they procreate to perpetuate life on earth. Why is life only on earth..?

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